A1. Invocation
A2. An Offering
A3. We Walk in the Gardens of Our Ancestors
A4. Green Dreams
B1. Where We've Been
B2. Lunar Reflections
B3. Becoming
B4. New You
“Phi-Psonics make beautiful, humble and honest music, it’s not showy, but it has a deep vibe that will elevate your mind and soul if you let it” — Matthew Halsall
Phi-Psonics to medytacyjna, głęboko uduchowiona, wciągająca grupa jazzowa z Los Angeles, prowadzona przez basistę Setha Forda-Younga, w której skład wchodzą Sylvain Carton (instrumenty dęte), Mitchell Yoshida (fortepian elektryczny) i Josh Collazo (perkusja). Ich piękna muzyka czerpie z jazzu i klasyki oraz własnych doświadczeń muzycznych Forda-Younga. Po drodze tworzą coś unikalnie własnego, dzieląc się pięknymi muzycznymi pejzażami, w których duch może się swobodnie poruszać.
Phi-Psonics is a meditative, deeply soulful, immersive jazz group from Los Angeles, led by bassist Seth Ford-Young and featuring Sylvain Carton on woodwinds, Mitchell Yoshida on electric piano, and Josh Collazo on drums. Their beautiful music draws on jazz and classical influences together with Ford-Young’s own musical experiences, relationships, and his introduction to spirituality, yoga and philosophy at a young age. Along the way they create something uniquely their own, sharing beautiful landscapes for your spirit to roam freely within.
Octava is their second album and like the Cradle before it’s emotional, introspective, and unusual approach to spiritual jazz offers us a beautiful space for uplifting contemplation and wields a quiet power to create a spiritually inspiring world of timeless, warm melodies and instrumental exploration for the deep listener. Originally from Washington DC area, Ford-Young moved to California in the early 90s and fell in love with the deep sounds of the upright bass and the music of Charles Mingus, John and Alice Coltrane, and Duke Ellington alon with Bach, Chopin, Pärt, and Satie. He immersed himself deeply in music and keen to learn combined intense personal study with collaborations, tours, and recordings with artists such as Tom Waits, Beats Antique, and John Vanderslice. In 2010 he moved from the San Francisco Bay area to the Los Angeles hills and continued his explorations and although Phi-Psonics music has been described as spiritual jazz, or deep immersive listening music but this is music for fans of Radiohead and The Invisible as well as fans of Alice Coltrane and Pharaoh Sanders.
The album opens with Invocation as we embark on our journey. The repeated melody at the end feels ancient but also contains an energy that is driving forward. An Offering is a humble but beautiful tune full of texture and colour. We Walk in the Gardens of Our Ancestors shows clear eyed reverence for those who came before us as we walk through their gardens. Green Dreams is a tender, gentle love song to Seth’s wife.Where We've Been Is a group improvisation centered around the drums. Lunar Reflections is a romantic ode to nature that draws inspiration from where Seth lives a green oasis within the sprawling cityscapes of LA. Becoming draws on memories of the dark days of 2020 but this was a period that was also full of beauty and light and this song elevates and uplifts us. Finally New You offers hope of change