#8 - w tym numerze:
All articles presented IN ENGLISH. Dorothy Ashby by David Mittleman, Don Cherry by Magnus Nygren, Peter Evans by Andrey Henkin, The Return Of the Queer Jazz Scene by Tina Edwards, Jimetta Rose & the Voices Of Creation by Samuel Lamontagne, Asher Gamedze by Teju Adeleye, Jazz Taphonomy by Seymour Wright, Discaholic column by Mats Gustafsson, Guy Stevens by Lander Lenaerts, reviews, plus more.
128 stron
rozmiar: 174 x 240 mm; 140g Edixion paper; laminowana okładka, 300g Invercote
nakład 2000 szt / 4 numery rocznie (March / June / Sept / Nov)
We Jazz Magazine - kwartalnik muzyczny z pasją i wizją. Dystrybuowany na całym świecie, czytany przez fanów muzyki, dziennikarzy, koneserów...
“Brilliant new mag from the people at We Jazz. Top marks. Great contributors. Looking forward to your growth… Jazz needs this!” - GILLES PETERSON
“Brilliant! I got all their issues.” - JAMIE CULLUM
“The presentation is beautiful – almost like an art book at times – and the writing really matches the quality of the graphics.” - DUSTY GROOVE
“A Helsinki-based jazz magazine that features both all-time greats and fringe innovators, We Jazz is a brilliantly obsessive piece of print.” - STACK MAGAZINES